The Happy Couple
Dan & Beth Kotkin
Dan & Beth Kotkin

The First Dance

Father-Daughter Dance
Beth & Uncle Bill
Beth & Uncle Bill

The Hora

The Conga Line

Julie Phil, Brent, Amy, Aunt Susan, Grandma, Dave, Dad, Mom

standing: Brent, Amy, Dave, Phil, Julie, Dad
seated: Aunt Susan, Grandma, Mom
seated: Aunt Susan, Grandma, Mom

Cutting the cake

Beth and Dan had an amazing Viennese dessert buffet that got rolled out onto the dance floor near the end of the reception. There were pastries, about a dozen cakes, bananas foster, and a chocolate fountain!
Dessert buffet

Amy was very sad that there were many more good desserts than what she could eat.
Sad Amy

Sadder Amy

Defeated Amy
Luckily, they had take home boxes!
Luckily, they had take home boxes!

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