Sunday, July 18, 2010

Aunt Lucy's 87th Birthday

Aunt Lucy, Julie's maternal grandfather's sister turned 87. Her daughters threw a party for her and the extended Bishop family.

Aunt Lucy and 4 of her daughters: Pat, Kathy, Ginny, & Barbara
Kathy is talking on the phone to Susan, who lives in California

Barbara & Angela

Rick & Ginny

Several of Aunt Lucy's children and grandchildren

Wayne & Will

Cousins Carol & Kathy

Aunt Lucy's great grandsons

Aunt Lucy's nieces: Mom, Aunt Mary, Aunt Peg, & Aunt Lois

Group shots:

Uncle Ed, Clara, & Aunt Pat

Julie, Dad, & Uncle Ed

Phil, Julie, & Clara

Adorable Clara

This photo was taken in January 2009 of Aunt Lucy and her remaining siblings

Uncle Richard, Uncle George, Aunt Marge, & Aunt Lucy